
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Turtles CheeseCake

Since starting the cake business I taste so much cake, I can go without eating lol. When you make 10+cakes a week you get of tasting cake.

I LOVE cheesecake, and I don't mean that no-bake crap, I mean real baked cheesecake. I make my mom cheesecake every year for her birthday or her AA birthday. She loves cheesecake as much as I do.

When you add turtles another favourite food you get heaven on a plate :).

I made this cheesecake for my moms AA birthday and then again for a client, everyone said it was amazing. The client said the cheesecake didn't last the night.

I don't make cheesecake unless it is for an order or for my mom as I would end up eating it all. 

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