
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Home made dog Popsicle

On Saturday Jayden and I made home made doggy Popsicle's for Ace, Jake, Rylee (my sisters dog) and Sadie (my moms dog). We made them from a link that was posted on facebook. They are super easy to make. Jake and Ace both ate them, but didn't really care for them I doubt unless someone wants me to make them for their dogs that I will make them again.

Three 6 ounce Containers of Plain, Low-Fat Yogurt
1/2 Cup of Peanut Butter (Low Sodium)
1 Four Ounce Jar of Banana Baby Food
1 Tablespoon of Honey
In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients. Blend
well. Pour mixutre into small cups (I used Dixie
Cups). Place dog bone in mixture (to serve as the
handle). Freeze. Once frozen, peel away paper cup
and serve! Yummy!

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