
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Home made Finger Paint

I meant to post this during the week, but things have been so busy around here with the renos, yardwork and everything else I do lol.

Jayden and I made this finger paint on Sunday to paint the airplane that he had made out of scrap wood from then renos we are doing.  The recipe was posted on facebook and I figured it would be fun to try! Its kinda neat, its a gel like paint and it was a lot of fun to make. I let Jayden pick the colours he wanted and he mixed the colours into the paint lol I think he had more food colouring on him then he was getting into the pots. This is one thing I will make again with any children that come to visit and one day my own. Its simple and fun for the kids to help with.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Home made dog Popsicle

On Saturday Jayden and I made home made doggy Popsicle's for Ace, Jake, Rylee (my sisters dog) and Sadie (my moms dog). We made them from a link that was posted on facebook. They are super easy to make. Jake and Ace both ate them, but didn't really care for them I doubt unless someone wants me to make them for their dogs that I will make them again.

Three 6 ounce Containers of Plain, Low-Fat Yogurt
1/2 Cup of Peanut Butter (Low Sodium)
1 Four Ounce Jar of Banana Baby Food
1 Tablespoon of Honey
In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients. Blend
well. Pour mixutre into small cups (I used Dixie
Cups). Place dog bone in mixture (to serve as the
handle). Freeze. Once frozen, peel away paper cup
and serve! Yummy!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

First Canning of 2012

So I decided I would can apples first this I have not done any apple canning as of yet. I bought myself a food mill as an experienced caner had told me they same so much time. I used it to make the apple sauce and apple butter. I am in love with my food mill lol other then I used the wrong setting for the apple sauce and its a bit chunky lol oh well you live you learn!

Both recipes came from the better homes and gardens new canning magazine, and both turned out awesome and test great! The apple sauce did not make as much as the recipe had said it would. I had lots of apple butter left and made mini apple pies with some of it!

What a sticky mess though lol!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Jake(Adopted) June 2012

Jake has been in care since Christmas, he has needed a special forever home, one that could deal with this issues. There has been zero interest in him, until about a week ago there was a little bit of interest and the thought of him leaving here broke my heart, made me feel sick I didn't want him to go. So I decided to put in to adopt Jake. I am just waiting for my contract and then its a go. I love him to death. Of course leave it to me to want to keep one of my foster babies with so many issues lol. We start training on July 2nd and it is an eight week one on one training course and she will bring her personal dogs to meet Jake once she feels he is ready for that big step lol.

Jake came into care after being found by animal control tied to a tree with a shock collar around his neck. He had odd hairless patches on his body. He went for tests and no one could figure out what it was, soon he started to lose all of his fur all over his body he started to look like an old man it was so sad :(. He had dog on dog aggression with another foster dog in my care. We went for more testing and still nothing :(. After about a month or so he started to grow his fur back slowly, he wasn't all scabby anymore and was becoming more active. Dexter left for his forever home and I was consumed that Jake would turn his aggression on my personal dog, that never happened, once Dexter was gone Jake slowly become happy, playful almost like a different dog. He still has issues with other dogs, but with training I am sure that these issues will pass. He will steal things off the kitchen table including kids lego lol he is happy just chilling out or go for a walk or just whatever lol. His safe spot if our bathroom which is kinda weird. He has separation anxiety when left alone without my personal dog, but it is getting better. He opens doors with his nose. He has met children and could take them or leave them lol he has no real interest in them.

He is a great dog and just like my Ace even with issues I wouldn't trade him for the world.
Once Jakes training is finished I will be fostering again until then its all about working on Jaker mans issues!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Grad 2012

Oh my its almost been a month since I posted last, where has the time gone lol.
Well I did I graduated college from the Office Administration Medical program at Lambton college. I did not graduate with honors, but for what all happened this term I think I did very well.
I was happy to have my Mother, Dave, my Grandmother, my Aunt Sherry, my Grandpa, Jay, Marnie and Joe all there to support me. It was a long hot day though :).