
Monday, August 30, 2021

OMG Energy




 Today I was going to write about a hard topic, today I have started and erased this post about 15 times before deciding that my goal today isn't to cover hard stuff, it's not to cover what I am dealing with because I can't even write the words on paper.

So instead I am going to write about my weekly workout and yoga routine this week.

It's a topic I love and can get the words out without crying or struggling with them.

Today is day 18 of my new program.

I started Thrive by Level 18 days ago, well actually I started it a bit longer than that because I did a 6-day trial and then had a break while I waited for my products to arrive.

I don't sell the product, nor am I pushing it. I do my daily videos to make myself accountable to show how the products work for me.
 I am not using it for weight loss I am using it for energy.

Each morning I drag my butt out of bed somewhere between 7 am and 8 am depending on how the night before went with the kids and my pain level.

I get up, head to the kitchen to take my vitamin capsule. They are these purple and white things that are awesome.  I set up my camera on top of a box in the kitchen and do my video. There are two in each pack, I only take one because that is what my body can handle. You can take one or both, you can start with one and when you are ready move up to two.

I suck at videos but I am learning.

After I do my video I feed the kids and get them going on their morning routine. Then I have a shower.

After my shower, I do step two which is a pre and probiotic powder. you mix it with water or milk. I use water. I only make half a package because my body can't handle the full package and I can never drink even the whole half of a shake. I am used to drinking just water or black green tea so for me to drink something with flavour is hard. 

I video both steps two and three at the same time.

Step three is this cool vitamin patch. This is probably my favourite part. You put this right on your skin and the best part for me is that I do not have any reaction to it at all. No skin peeling off no burning NOTHING!!!!
This is super exciting. I can't use band-aids or even paper tape because my latex allergy is so severe it causes these reactions (adhesive contains latex).

The patches use the same science that we moms have known since the dawn of time. Our bodies absorb more nutrients through our skin than any other way.

They don't stick very well to me at first so I have to clean the area by rubbing alcohol on it before I put them on. You don't put them in the same spot two days in a row. There are many different places you can put them, however for me I find my biceps is what works best.

After 10 days I started to notice as long as I didn't have a migraine then I didn't need an afternoon lay down. I started to notice that I had morning energy in the mornings so much so that I am annoying to the others in the house lol. It has also been easier to stick to my workout plan and get all my steps in!

If I could afford it I would pay for every mom I know to try it even if it's just one month.

So that covers the new product I am using, I will post a couple of videos I have been doing along with it. If you decide you want to try the product I can give you the information of the amazing lady who sells the product (No it's not me )

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