
Sunday, December 9, 2018

Maybe your not cut out for this!

Maybe you are not cut out for this if your going to act like this every time one dies. Thats a first for me, I don't think anyone has ever said that to me.

The moment losing a foster, a fur baby, a life no matter how small doesn't get to me is the moment my life will end. No one should ever take losing a life be it human or a furbaby as “oh well”.

To many I appear cold, but those who truly know me, know that EVERY effects me. I hold it all together because I have to. Every dog I can not save, every child who is hurting because of others, I feel it ALL. Yes we can't save them all and yes there are worse things for these furbabies than death but it still hurts and you still feel it.

In rescue you see so much everyday, the lowest of humans and what they do to these furbabies. You see death, sorrow, pain, defeat and heartbreak.

Then you see the BEST of humans, you see everyone break down when they lose a furbaby or leave the shelter knowing they can only take so many, spending every last penny they have and begging for funds to help with the mountains of money to cover the cost of saving these babies. You see us holding that furbaby tears in our eyes, holding together just long enough to be strong for them as they cross the bridge then breaking down.

You see the furbabies come from dying defeated by humankind to loving life, learning to trust again and making leaps and bounds. You see a rescue person in tears of sorrow from losing one to tears of joy for one taking their first new steps or giving kisses for the first time.

When you are at your lowest you see the rescue people who stand behind you, to show a love and compassion that we normally only show to a select few humans and the furbabies, you see us show it to those who walk beside you in this mixed up world of animal rescue. You see them come together to support each other in the best ways they can.

What you will NEVER EVER see is us give up, you wont see is quit ( but maybe a break), you wont see us turn away a furbaby, you wont see us not try, and you wont see us leave a furbaby alone.

You will see us be strong for the next one who needs us. You will see us LOVE with a heart that has been broken more times then anyone would think possible. You will see us give our all and when we feel like we have nothing left to give another furbaby will come along and you will watch us give it all again.

A close friend in rescue who is far away in body said to me “They take a piece of your heart when they go, but give you a piece of theirs when they come.” She is beyond right, they all bring so much into your life and give you the ability to keep going.

We keep going because this isn't about us, its about them, they need us to keep going for them. Because for every dog we rescue there are 10 more waiting in shelters, being beaten in homes. There is always 1 more that needs us.

We may appear to be numb to many things death will never be one of them.

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