
Thursday, December 13, 2018

Foster: Lexi

My sexi lexi is the sweetest, most loving, snuggle bug of a dog. I fell in love with her which says a lot because I am not a small dog or female dog fan. EVERYONE who meets her falls in love instantly!

Lexi came into care in May/June she came from just north of London. She was covered in these weird red bumps all over her body, smelled horrible, had horrible breath and was thought to have been pregnant. She got her shots, antibiotics and spay.

She was only about 7 months old just a baby and was leaking urine, peeing in her crate and the house all of which I thought was from house training. The leaking urine I thought was just from her spay.

Lexi LOVES Blaine and they have so much fun playing, but I noticed she is the worlds laziest puppy ever. I figured it was just the way she was and hey shes easy. We got the peeing and pooping in the house fixed, but she was still leaking and peeing in her crate.

Hiking is her passion and she looks stunning doing it. I can't figure out why she isn't putting on weight like I would like to see and pass it off as shes just active, or maybe like bossco and take years to finally fill out. She could careless about dogs walking by her but people has to know and love them ALL. I think she would make an amazing therapy pup.

Lexi is sick very sick, can't keep anything down, wont get up on the couch or bed, acting funny, and still leaking when she sleeps or walks. We take her to the vet because of the time of year he thinks she are toxic grass, we always avoid areas with signs and I have never seen her eat grass but okay. And she has a bladder infection that is why she is leaking. Antibiotics, antitoxins, antacids and special tummy food for 10 days. She lady bits hang out really far so she is going to get bladder infections a lot throughout her life. We do that she starts to act "normal" again, but is still leaking.

This is the third time she has been at a vets office and the third time I have brought up her breath and smell and its the third time I am told oh its normal. She has cranberries for her food to help prevent bladder infections and stuff for her water to help with her breath and whatever the smell from her is.

She has a few people interested in adopting her but I am not sure, something in my gut says she needs to stay. I explain that the leaking is going to be a problem for adopters. This is the 5th time I have brought it up. We all talk at the rescue and decide she needs to see a vet and figure out what is going on. a few weeks pass and I email getting quotes from local vets. The vet she has been seeing is very worried and wants to see her right away.

We go, I will pay this out of pocket so I will let the ladies know as soon as we figure out what is going on. I bring up her breath and smell again, again he says its normal. He tests her blood, urine and looks her all over. We wait 2.5 hours for the rests of both the blood and urine. Her kidneys are failing, some of her results are in the 600's and they are supposed to be 150 etc. Her pancreas isn't working right and her sugar is high, she is also anemic. Okay so what now, he says he would normally recommend over night and fluid push but knows that for rescues money is tight. So he says fed her this, give her these pills, and this pump stuff on her food. Okay I can do that. He says the food I have her on is horrible food (Acana I know it is not vets have limited training on each food and push the one they get money from).

I message the ladies and let them know what is going on, I am in panic mode because leaving that vet made me feel like this is my fault. In all my years of dealing with vets I have never ever been made to feel that way. I don't understand what the hell I missed, how could I have missed this, how could multiple vet visits and 2 different vets have missed this. In my head and gut I know she is dying. "Missy" had a dog who died of kidney failure and as she is explaining symptoms Lexi has been like this since the day she came into care. Everything I passed off as normal or happening for this reason or another was a symptom.

Lexi has to head to the vet in Toronto for IV fluids and more testing to see what the cause is. I am broken, crying, angry, a big old mess. The next morning we head to Toronto and I have decided to get over myself, she needs me to be strong for her! With no idea how long she will be there or even at all I bring all my stuff and her stuff with me in case we are there a day or two or if she needs anything while we are there. The drive down we talk and she sits in the front with me, she is the perfect travel buddy, quite, relaxed and just enjoying the drive. We make a few pee breaks, she hates the cold as much as I do lol.

We get to the vet in Toronto, I showed him the results, I told him everything the vet here told me. He got down on the floor with her and loved her up. I brought up her breath and her smell. Right away he said no that isn't right at all I blurt out HA I AM NOT CRAZY!!! He looks at me funny, I explain then he gets it lol. He said he doesn't believe these results, a dog who looks as healthy and acting the way she is couldn't have these results. I explained that the vet here didn't believe she wasn't throwing up but she wasn't and hasn't been since Sept when she had the antitoxins.

He retested her blood (took about 10 mins), he was in shook. From the outside she looks healthy and normal from the inside she is dying. They decide she needs to stay for the fluid push and they will put her on antibiotics and send her urine away. This could be 1 of three things. Congenial, infection or Lepo. I go home leaving her behind feeling horrible that she has to stay in that place alone and scared, being poked and prodded. I knew in my heart that she wasn't going to get better but "missy" said they had to at least try. I get home I miss her so much, I am going over how I missed this over every moment of her life her. Each day I get an update. They find a heart murmur, in a normal dog IV fluids would not cause a heart murmur. In my head I am going yup its congenial. She has to go to "missy" for the night because the vet is having their Christmas party. They do testing that day and her markers have come down but only by a few points. They do an ultrasound and show "missy" She has one shriveled up kidney that does nothing and one kidney that is very large and missing parts. Well thats batting a thousand. Is it worth taking her back for 1 day or just bring her home because 3 days did pretty much nothing.

 She stays the night with "Missy" falls in love, of course who wouldn't she is perfect.  I pick her up from the vets office and they show me how to do the IV fluids at home. Lexi has about 6 months to live. She is all skin and bones all the weight she had put on is gone in a few days :(. We get home she isn't her self.

6 Months!!! She wont likely make it her second birthday, "Missy" says I am getting good at being a pawpice. Yup becoming an old pro. I am putting together her bucket list and making the next few months as amazing as possible.

A few days later Lexi has 3 major seizures 2 hours apart. She wont come out of her crate much and she never liked her crate, she would only go in it if she had too.

2 days later, she can barely walk, full body spasms when you touch her. Wont eat and wont drink.  I talk to everyone I have 2 options I can go that day or in a week, Lexi wont last a week.

That night Lexi dies, feeling no more pain.

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