
Monday, January 21, 2013

New Years 2012

I had a quite relaxing new years eve it was great lol. I watched movies and ate snack food. I decided that the only new years resolution I was going to make was to save twice as many dogs as I did last year.
I didn't make any selfish resolutions that I would end up breaking I made one that helps animals.

This past year has had many ups and downs. I miscarried new years eve 2011, Richard left for Regina for 9 months, I miscarried in April, I left FGDR, I started volunteering for Wallaceburg Animal Shelter, I helped save 12 dogs by fostering. I helped save many lives by cross posting, helping with fundraisers, grooming and taking photos of dogs for the shelter.
Working in rescue has left me honored with many friends who also work in rescue. I have learned it takes a special, strong and big hearted person to do what we all do on a daily bases. We watch dogs we can not save be killed and we cry for them, we watch dogs we can save go to warm loving forever homes and we cry for them, we fight for their rights and well being and we cry when they are treated like objects, we fight and care and give until we feel like we can do no more then we cry and start all over again. Each live we watch go from a sad, scared life and grow into a loving caring forever friend makes all the tears worth it.

This past year has taught me how strong I truly am, how I can make a difference, and brought Keira and James closer to me so I can make a difference in their lives.

This new year starts with promises of great and wonderful things for the shelter, the rescue, the children, and myself I just hope I am ready for all life has to bring my way good and bad!

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