
Monday, January 21, 2013

Christmas 2012

Yes I know it is almost a month late, but things have been extremely busy. I had a wonderful visit with my son. (pictures to come later) We had a quite Christmas this year as it was the first year without Richards mom so it was hard on all of us, especially Richard's dad.

We started to go through Richard's moms clothing etc. Richard's dad had been pushing for it and I think it needed to be done in order for him to move forward with his life.

Keira and James both had an awesome Christmas they got all kinds of gifts and we took them around to see the lights and the live nativity scene. Now I am not a religious person by any means. I respect all peoples religion and their right to practice as they see fit as long as it is doing no harm to anyone else. Keira and James lack of knowing anything about "Jesus" or anything religion based hit me hard. They believe that Christmas is just about presents nothing else. I do not believe that it is the birth of "Jesus" but I do believe that it is a time for community and family etc. I decided that the best way to teach the children about religions, being spiritual, respecting others for their beliefs  and a since of community that there are bigger and more important things then them, that they need to look beyond themselves.
So we decided that in the new year we would find a church that would work for us. I figured this was going to be a challenge as I struggle with most religious beliefs. I went to a Baptist as a young child, I attended a public elementary school, and a catholic high school. I believe in the earth, karma, nature etc. I was raised that no matter what someones beliefs are they have a right to respect and live as they choose as long as it brings no harm to anyone else. I strongly believe that each person follows the path that they need to in order to find inner piece.

Anyway Christmas was great everyone made it through in one piece lol. We had no snow until Christmas eve which was a wonderful treat for the kids.

I hope all of my readers had a wonderful holidays and they got to spend it doing what they love most!

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