
Monday, October 17, 2011

Muhammad Oct 16, 2011

Muhammad is our third foster dog, they say third time's a charm I wonder whats gonna happen with our fourth is it going to start over? Anyway Muhammad was abandoned by his owners. He was taken to the Ashtabula animal shelter in Ohio. I am not sure how long he was there for but due to the fact that they only have room for about 80 dogs and they had 160 he and the other two dogs he came to Canada with where due to be put to sleep on Friday. Muhammad arrived here by transport thanks to Chris on Sunday afternoon. Muhammad is a 2-3 year old Bull Mastiff/Shar Pei, he is a male newly neutered. He weighs in at only 56LBS which is way to small for him you can see every bone in his body and it is very sad, but working on fattening him up lol. So far I knew he knows sit, sit pretty, and shake. He has some food/water aggression with Ace, but I am hoping that once he knows that the food is always going to be here he will get better. We had a few dog fights yesterday but today we have only had one. Muhammad and Ace are adjusting okay with each other. They were actually playing together today out in the yard it was nice to see Muhammad playing. He has the tail end of Kennel cough and sleeps a lot right now, but once its completely out of his system I hope he has more energy. We have only walked twice, but on those walks he dose okay only pulls a little bit with a normal collar, he is a squirrel chaser and tries to chase any that he sees. I crated him last night and he did just fine. He took to Ace's crate as soon as he got here (Ace never uses it) so as long as Muhammad feels safe in it then he can come and go as he wishes, other than at night until I am sure that there will be no more fighting between them I do not want to risk either one getting hurt. He has a touch of separation anxiety, but not nearly as bad as Ace's used to be. He just whines for a few mins after he is left alone. He is very friendly and loves people. We are still are seeing how is with things such as seeing how he is going to be with kids, and other commands that he knows, I am going to take my time with this so I can make sure that hes getting better and that he is settling without pushing him too much. He has so many wrinkles on his head and face its awesome I can't wait to see if he gets more all over the place as he fills out. We have not tried to bath him yet or taken him to the groomers and will not until his incision has healed from being neutered. He is super sweet and I can't wait to see how his personality grows as he gets more settled. I will blog again once he has gained more weight and is more settled. Please email Friendly Giants for adoption inquires!

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