
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Thrive by Level

 About 6 weeks ago I started a program called Thrive it is by a company called Level. I have seen a few of my friends use but I was still on the fence.

At the vendor show, I met a woman who has been using the products since before you could buy them in Canada. She gave me a free trial. She said I likely wouldn't notice a difference for about a month or so because I wanted the product for energy not for reducing appetite.

Turns out a few days in and I started to notice I was having an easier time getting out of bed in the morning, even on the days when the kids had a rough night before. I decided I would buy a month and go from there.

I ordered and am now onto my second order.

For me they have made a huge difference in the energy levels unless of course, the weather has caused me to have a migraine then I am pretty much SOL.

It's a three-step program starting with a vitamin capsule that you take with 200ML of water before you do anything else. I take it when I get to the kitchen usually within 5mins of me opening my eyes. Some people take it before they even step out of bed. Each daily package comes with 2 capsules, you can take both at the same time, you start out with one and move up to two or you can stick with one. Whatever works best for you. For me, one is where I am at.

Step 2 is the pre/probiotic shake. I have tried chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and apple pie. Apple pie is my favourite. Let me start by saying I have what is called a spastic bowel, this means that I can feel food digest, bowel movements can be extremely painful for the intestines. Sometimes I can go a week without getting the urge to go. Since about 2 weeks in I haven't missed a day of having a bowel movement. This is big for me as my whole life I have had these issues. You mix the shake with water or milk. I use water. I also add a bit of ice because they taste horrible warm. You can do half the package mix or the whole package. You can start with half and move up to using the full package. I use half a package and that is what works for me.

Step three is my favourite part because it uses "mom science" I am sure a real scientist came up with it before a mom did but it's what moms say. You absorb most of your nutrients through your skin. They are vitamin "stickers" that you place on your skin. They come in lots of colours and designs. Don't place it in the same spot twice. It allows your body to take in vitamins all day long and not just while it is being absorbed through your digestive tract.

I will add the videos that I do every morning showing the products use. I don't sell the product but if you want the information of the amazing lady who does I would be more than happy to give it to you!

It truly has made a world of difference for me and for my life! 

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