
Friday, December 11, 2020

Christmas Magic?


Maybe I want to be told that I haven't screwed up my child.
Christmas has never been about "magic" and all that other stuff. I don't tell him if you are naughty or nice is the only way you get presents or coal. We don't put conditions on love like that.

I have always done most of the Christmas shopping all year round and normally when he is with me. I tell him it is not for now and he always has know okay that means it is for Christmas and I put it up in the laundry room.

This year we have the girls and they know about the magic and Santa. So that means I have to do at least some shopping without them so I don't ruin things for them.

At the dollar store yesterday I didn't even think, I put a ton of stocking stuffers in the cart and I said to the kids nope nothing in our cart. They loved the game but when it comes to Christmas I am worried that they are going to see it was the stuff we bought when we were out.

Also, this is the first year that Blaine went in and checked out the Christmas stuff, he has never bothered with it before and then he was very upset when I told him I was disappointed that he broke my trust. L the oldest girl just thought it was funny.

I have done a little bit of shopping without them and hid those presents well.

Normally I have the stocking from Santa and a few presents. They are wrapped in Santa paper to let the kids know it comes from Santa.

As I watch the girls excited that "chippy" at nanas house moves around. Blaine could careless and just says "it is stuffed that means he isn't real"

He has always been very logical and never played "pretend" even when I tried over the years to play fun imagination games with him,
he says "ya know mom that isn't real" "you know mom there are no transformers in real life it's just a movie". Lol, thanks for ruining it for me kid.

He would rather do things that he is learning or things that don't involve playing pretend.

Did I make him like this because I never made a big deal about Santa coming or that he is magic?

Did I ruin his childhood because I never made a big deal about the figures around the holidays?

He is the same with Easter never cared about the rabbit, gets bored with finding the eggs.

He gets more excited about visiting Grandma, Grandpa, Great Grandma and other family members and playing with them.

Should I try and fix this? Should I suddenly have an elf that moves around?

I am feeling some huge mom guilt over this and it is driving me crazy!

What do you do to have the magic of Christmas in your house?

I know its a pretty simple thing to have a ton of mom guilt about but for me it is important.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The dread word.

Let's talk about vaccines. I know it's a very controversial topic and a lot of people get their knickers in a knot over it but, I am not talking about if you should be vaccinated or not, I am not talking about if your children should be vaccinated or not. 

Let's talk about the science behind it. Let's talk about the doctors behind it. Let's talk about the years of research behind it. Let's talk about the facts. 

The first vaccine was created in 1796 by a doctor who lived in England. Even in 1796 he tested the vaccine, did trials and even wrote papers on it. His clinical trials and research led to the smallpox vaccine saving thousands. His trials and research are the basis for vaccinology. Through his theory he has saved millions of lives over the decades. 

Did you know antivaccinationism has been around since the 1800s? Yes even back then they protested it, comparing to bloodletting. Now that is a bit extreme if you ask me. 

Over the decade's vaccines have changed, methods have changed. We don't remove lymph from pustules on the arms of those recently vaccinated anymore to make the vaccine. We use Petri dishes and samples that are kept in sterile environments. Even in 1796 with the risk of contracting other infections or diseases most people thought the benefits outweighed the risks. 

Yes, as the years pass we learn from those before us, we learn what works, what doesn't, what is dangerous and what is safe. 

MERCURY!! This is a big one, and one anti-vaxers scream from the rooftops. Since 1999 it has been reduced or eliminated from vaccines and other drugs. By 2001 it was removed from childhood vaccines in the united states. 


Do you know why it was used though? Do you know what it is actually called?  

Thimerosal is what its actual name is and it is used as a preservative. It prevents bacteria growth in vaccines and a preservative is required for all multi-dose vaccine vials. 

Your body doesn't store Thimerosal and removes it very quickly. It is safe. 

This quote is for Canada and comes from the website "Nevertheless, no vaccine in Canada since March 2001 for routine use in children contains thimerosal, except for some influenza vaccines. DTaP, polio and Hib vaccines have not contained this preservative since 1997-98. The MMR vaccine used in Canada has never contained thimerosal."

Now I am not here to preach to the choir or try to convert anyone, the reason for this post at all is because we are starting to roll out the new covid vaccine and this is new and new scares people. 

A couple of neat things that are not making the news. Why are children less affected? Why are younger generations less affected or have it less severe? Turns out it is because of a vaccine that many of us and many of the children get. The MMR vaccine! This vaccine is helping to protect people! This is really neat. 

Do you know what this horrible virus is overshadowing? The fact the there is something really cool that happened, first in history a vaccine using mRNA! 

The vaccines being rolled out in places like the United States and England have gone through trials and are based on proven scientific methods. There is one though that is likely going to get most of the media attention and not because it works, or is safe but because it has not even completed stage 3 trials. This one is scary and this one is going to create more fear in those who are already scared as is. This one is the Russian Sputnik Vaccine. They rolled it while it is still in the development stage, and are pretty much using their population as a phase 3 trial which is scary. 

BUT guess what??? Guess what isn't scary? We are not getting that one. The ones we are getting are tested, fully. Yes, they were tested quickly but with so many dying worldwide we needed to get on this and fast. 

People are screaming that we (Canada) are not getting it soon enough. That we are not first on the list. Well, let me clear a few things up here. 

First, we didn't develop the vaccine, so of course, the countries that develop it get to vaccinate their people first. 

Second, let them be the first to get it, yes it completed trials and it is safe but there is still that underlying thought in the back of everyone's head that is whispering "are they sure?" watching others in the world get will help squash that fear. 

Third stop being selfish. We are a rich country we could afford to buy the vaccine but what about those who can't?

I am pro-choice on all issues as long as it doesn't affect those around you. For those who can't read between the lines, we can't create herd immunity and protect those around us if we don't vaccinate the majority. 

My final word on this they are not going to microchip you because you are not that important so get over yourself. 


Taken from google



 Information taken from the following sources

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Ramblings from a mind in chaos

Fluff that is all it has been.

Fluff is all I have written since being told by The Children's Aid Society that it's okay to have an outlet for my life but, it is not okay for it to be public like my blog is.

Fluff just wasn't doing what I needed it to do to soothe my soul that aches to write. This week I just couldn't get rid of the craving for writing. The strong urge to write something other than, for lack of a better word that hasn't been used too many times already in this blog post and I am only just starting it, FLUFF.
I have decided that they can fuck their hat (sorry for the language.) I can write what I like when I like and how I like.
Chaos is one word for my mind, a million things are going on in it all the time and half of them are things I want to write about!
 Did you know that someone might figure out who the children I write about are? Did you know they might figure out who their mother and family are? Did you know that 99% of people who actually read my blog already freaking know who they are? Did you know that I am done caring what others think of my writing outlet?
I will do an update post later about the children and all the crap that is going with a system that makes me want to scream and pull my hair out!
Things in my mind right now!

Did you know that I stopped caring, wanting to decorate or so anything with the holidays (any holiday) when I stopped hosting it?

Do you know that people make me so angry, people who can't actually do some research and read LEGIT articles from REAL sources to get their information before sharing it?

Tessa has become my shadow (She is a foster dog with issues who can't be placed in another home unless they have no other animals or plan to have any other animals or come into contact with other animals because she will attack them...All 20lbs of her)

Tessa could be called a "pitbull" in Ontario that means she could be ordered to be put to sleep, all 20ish LBS of her. Do you know why? Because she has the stance, the smile and the square head of a breed that is banned by description. Did you know it is not backed by any science or proof of any kind?

2020 has been a tough year. Yes, I have a roof over my head and food in my fridge but even those of us who have those things are not okay. Are struggling to get through each day, but we are not allowed to say anything or speak up because so many have it worse. Yes, you bet your boots so many have it so much worse and I wish I could fix it for them all, but I am allowed to not be okay too. YOU are allowed to not be okay too!
I LOVE children anyone who knows me knows that they know that they will always come first for me and I will protect them with my life. Some use this to their advantage as a weapon knowing that I will not allow any harm to come to them. Those people have issues!
Getting mad at wait staff for the rules the government sets in place to protect everyone is not their fault. They are following the rules, you should give it a try sometime.
Surgery sucks, and it hurts, and it takes a very long time to heal, even if the outside looks semi-healed the inside is a mess of all sorts.
Addiction sucks, yes I am not allowed to hate the addict but I am sure as hell allowed to hold them accountable for their actions and behaviours. Yes, there will be a post addiction.

I plan to write every day again and write whatever I want to write with limited fluff. Still need the fluff in there so it's not all ramblings.

I made a promise a while back to myself mainly but also who actually read my blog and that was to write 1000 words a day and I need to keep that promise to myself.

Christmas is right around the corner and I am not even close to ready. The tree isn't up (hoping today), the decorations are not lit and I am defiantly not feeling the Christmas cheer and it's not even because it's 2020 and such a crap year.

Well, apparently that took care of what my brain needed because now my head is fuzzy and I need a nap. Some people need to talk it out, some people need to yell and scream, some people need to be physically active (I miss that after I recover I am hoping to get back at working out), and some people need to write. Even if they know no one is reading it.

I have so many topics I want to write about in the coming year. This year was supposed to be my year to take the kids everywhere and write about our travels and learning, seeing as that didn't happen. This coming year will be all about writing, creating other amazing memories with the children and not just making it through the day to day muddle but actually living! Oh and healing! Can't forget about that one, not only do the little ladies in my care need healing but so do I.

Do you have plans for 2021? I know with the way 2020 went it's so hard to see or even want to try and make plans, but if we don't then we have nothing to look forward to and we all need to have a light at the end of the tunnel no matter how small it might be.

You are loved, You are wanted, You are amazing!!!

Photo Borrowed from: