
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Meal Planning

The children are adapting to our new schedule perfectly. Now comes the meal planning.

I hang our weekly menu on the wall in the kitchen each week so EVERY one can see it. If I am not here for whatever reason and another adult needs to make lunch or a snack they easily know what to make without any extra thoughts.

With things the way they are right now we make sure we buy everything for 2 weeks so all we have to go out for is fruit each week. It limits our time exposed to others who may be sick. The children don't get to go shopping with us right now which is sad for them but they are little and the touch EVERYTHING.

I normally meal plan dinners for the entire month but now with all four children home I meal plan, breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. They eat on average every 2 hours so there is no reason to snack in between those. This way I know exactly what to buy and how much to buy to last the full 2 weeks without running out.

The program I use is like excel by open office  

One night a week (normally Tuesdays) we order from a local restaurant who is offering pick or delivery at this time. This is to help support local business stay alive during this very stressful period. I know it may not seem like much but its important for us to help limit the changes in business that we will see when this is all over.

Most of my recipes come from Pinterest or ones that I have used for years and have become go to favourites! 

Do you meal plan? Do you meal prep?