
Friday, October 4, 2019

Toilet Paper Cake

Anyone who knows me knows how much I hate covering a chocolate cake in white icing lol.

Well this cake is a roll of toilet paper, with poop cupcakes.

I use as little fondant as possible with all of my cakes because it is heavy, expensive (means the client has to pay more) and it tastes like crap. When clients send me photos of cakes that are covered in fondant I do my best to recreate them in icing and only using fondant as decals.

With this cake I learned I need to change my chocolate icing, I am not a huge fan of it. The client said everything was awesome but for me the chocolate icing needs to be different.

Because of the brain injury I can't remember what my chocolate icing recipe was before which means I have to play around until I get it just the way I want it. No, I didn't write it down, I never do because I always go by memory.

The sign is written in edible markers, the cupcakes have fondant faces.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Orange Shirt Day

Sept 30th, 2019 is #orangeshirtday #everychildmatters

Photo credit 

This day is important for so many reasons but the main one for me is that we never forget what happened so we can do better in the future.

Residential schools in Canada where in a word "HELL". These school stole children from their homes, families and communities. The children who "survived" these "schools" went on to have serious issues with addiction and other coping mechanisms. It caused entire languages to be go extinct because generations of children were not allowed to speak them or learn them.

They killed children, so many children died in these schools and if they didn't their light was stolen from them. These schools tried to wipe out the first nations and would have succeeded if it wasn't for those who fought back, spoke their language in secret, held onto their traditions despite all of the odd against them.

The abuse, rape and hard labour that went on in these "school" was disgusting, disgraceful and a true black mark in the history of Canada.

We can't go back and undo what we did but we can remember, honor and never forget those who were and are effected by the schools. Yes generations of children and adults are effected because the children who attended these schools went on to have children of their own. Between dealing daily with the trauma of the things they experienced and not knowing how to love or raise children of their own, raised them the best they could but it left scars and trauma for the new generations of children to carry forward. There is a whole lot of passed down traumas all because of what residential schools did to these children. We can offer to help whose who are effected. We can make a difference, we can do better!

We must never forget so we never repeat!