
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Good-Bye Ace

Ace was my forever dog, he was my heart and soul. This past year was a hard one on him, well harder than normal. Ace knew me, everything about. Reminded me when I forgot to eat, helped me find the truck when I got lost on the trail, comforted me when I was in pain or sick. No dog will ever be like him, no dog will ever replace the bond I had with him.

We got ace when he was 4 months old. He had come from a puppy mill outside of London that had been shut down and the first owners couldn't handle him. It must have been fate or something along those lines because a week before we were going to adopt a beagle named bagel from the Sarnia Humane Society but she was adopted the same day we went in to adopt her. So we found Ace (moo moo). In his new home he spent most of this time in a crate and when out of the crate he had little exercise and mental stimulation and if you know anything about northern breeds you know that they crave that and when they don't get it they become destructive. I put my everything into Ace. Everything that I would have put into Owen I put into him.

He loved to learn right from the start and in no time learned 30+ commands. At about a year old we found out he had neurological issues that caused seizures and other neurological issues but other wise he was happy and healthy. About a year ago the seizures were getting closer together he was having many a day and he was having issues with his back end. It turns out he had spinal degeneration and arthritis in his hips. Come June (6 months after this) he could barely walk, no more hiking or even walking more then a block. The vet gave him anti-inflamatories and told me this would likely be his last winter.

Even with the medications he was still having a hard time with his back end and getting around. It came to the point where he would lay there and cry. I was told giving him CBD cookies would help him so we did this but it got to the point where he had to be drugged in order to even just lay without crying. The decision had to be made for him, I needed to stop being selfish and trying to hold on to him longer just for my sake. I made the call in tears and brought him in. My vet is amazing I couldn't ask for a more gentle kind man. I held him and cried into his fur as he passed. He was no longer in pain anymore but my heart broke in two.

When we got home Bossco knew the moment we came in without Ace he was upset for weeks, even refused to eat and just moped around. Blaine lost his brother and he went over the rainbow bridge and would no longer be hurting. For weeks after Blaine would ask for moo moo or tell me he missed him.

I can't even explain the connection I had with Ace but I do know my life and my heart will never be the same.

That day in that office a part of me was lost forever.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Crafts: Fairy Garden Globes

Fairy Gardens are all the rage!

I have a son who loves to play in the the dirt and gardens!!!

I gave him the choice between a dinosaur, gnome garden or a farm garden as he says fairies are for girls. I do not know where he comes up with these things, he has never been told this is for girls/boys.

Blaine being the animal loving kid he is picked to have a farm garden! Which is is just fine with me. As I make things I will post tutorials of each item.

What is even more exciting is I will be creating items for 3 other fairy gardens that are to be uniquely their own. Which means lots of creating for me and fun a long the way. 

My first things I created are boyish as well as girly for each garden. They are mini garden globes!

Golf tees
Glue (I used gorilla glue)
Paint Brushes
Clear Coat


1) Paint your golf tees or have your littles one help you, let them fully dry

2) Clear coat them and then let them dry again. Clear coating them will keep them looking nice outside longer.

3) Glue the marbles to the top of the golf tees.

4) Let dry

Put in your mini garden and enjoy!!

Remember small parts can pose chocking hazards for small children and even older children depending on your child. You know your children best!

I would love to see photos of the ones you and your littles create together!

Monday, April 2, 2018

Product Review: Norwex

Cleaning sucks, well it didn't suck until kids, dogs and a brain injury. Now I am lucky to get through the daily tiding and forget washing the floors and walls on my hands and knees now.
I tired so many products that are said to be easy and convenient to use. From Swifers to vileda easy mops, I bought every reusable mop on the market with the washable pads. Nothing cut it, nothing worked how it should or how I wanted it too.

I have always been a fan of Norwex cloths I use them for everything they are amazing, well it turns out they have a mop, I didn't know this until I met Cathy. She is my cleaning life safer. Wait until I tell you all about their toilet cleaners oh man!!!

Their cloths they contain sliver which disinfects without the use of chemicals. Just rinse and keep going yes amazing no extra steps, no buckets to fill and even better the kids can “help” me clean. Very little scrubbing is needed to take most things off, a little more scrubbing is need to take crayon and marker off but it does it! Apparently you can use the same cloth in the bathroom as in the kitchen and well ummm that's just not for me. I label my cloths and they get washed after every use. Now here is the thing and this has never bothered me you can not use any fabric softeners with them or dryer sheets it will ruin the cloths ability to disinfect. This isn't an issue for me because I can only use Eco laundry soap and I don't use dryer sheets due to allergies.

Toilet bowl cleaner!!! I have the system, well actually I have two systems one for the upstairs bathroom and one for the basement bathroom. This is an all natural cleaner so no harm to your children if you have a curious tot who loves to play in the toilet or your dogs if you have dogs who refuse to drink out of a bowl or a tot who would dump the bowls. Not once have my child or dog gotten sick from my toilets and I use the cleaner everyday.

The MOP, my life saver, this mop is amazing (I know I keep saying that about their products but until you have issues cleaning and search high and low for something that will work for you) I have the large mop and I use the wet cloths I have the dry ones but I always vacuum I have never been a fan of sweeping so never got into using the dry cloth on the floors. It is super thin it fits under my dresser and bed. It has a tilting head which means it does baseboards and walls and to top it off it uses the Norwex technology which means no bucket of chemicals. The handle of the mop adjusts and my 3 year old loves to mop with it too. It is super simple just rinse and move onto the next room. It has turned moping and cleaning from a chore to a super simple task even my 3 year can do it. The mop is super light so even those with a shoulder injury can carry it around with ease. They make a hardwood floor cloth for it but again I have never used it, I just use the simple normal one. I have two cloths for it so when one is in the laundry I can use the other one.

The floor mat it is one of their newer products and yes I own one but I have to admit I haven't really used it yet as it got hung outside to be shaken off and got left out there for almost a year. I am going to clean it up and bring it back in the house as soon as the winter mats are gone for the season but it is designed to catch all the sand and dirt from paws and children. It did what it was supposed to the short time I used it, fingers crossed I can recover it as Norwex isn't a cheap item.

NO MORE HORRIBLE DISH CLOTH SMELL, I use the one you can use dish soap with as I like the smell of dish soap and I use a natural dish soap. This is another amazing cloth, just rinse and hang up and even after a few days you don't get the horrible smell. I can not stand that gag worthy smell. I have two of them once again in case one is in the laundry.

Yes even in the shower my Norwex accompanies me I use the face/body cloth you use it with no facewash. Now I have to admit I only use it for my face as I use a natural, not tested on animals and no animal byproducts used in it, body wash and shampoo. The face cloth works wonders for my face. After you hit a certain age, “they” say 30 but I think it depends on each persons own skin, your body stops shedding its old dead skin by itself and this is why they recommend gentle exfoliating which you get from this cloth. Have oil? I do my nose and chin are the worst and it takes care of it nicely. I have a reaction to most face washes and because this is a chemical free way to clean your face no more itching, burning, wanting to rip off your eye bows feeling! Those who have sensitive skin totally get this.

I almost forgot they have baby cloths too, I have used them on my son since he was tiny as he can't use anything but water or he breaks out in hives or a rash. They were a life saver and to top it off they are soooo soft!!!

I do not sell Norwex and nor do I get anything for writing this, in fact Cathy is completely unaware that I am making this post and so is Norwex for that matter. I just love their products and think everyone should give them a try.

This is the link to Norwex Canada to find a rep near you and this is the link to Cathy's facebook if you would like to order from her!!!

What is your favourite cleaning products? What has made your life easier?