
Friday, July 9, 2021

Worst mom, lifesaver.



I haven't blogged in a long time. Things haven't been great on my end. I also lost my mojo for a while.

I had to blog about this though because One; it is way too long to be just a Facebook post. Two because if it ever happens to another mom out there I don't want them to feel alone or like they are the worst parent in the world because I am feeling like that at the moment.

Today started as a pretty normal day. C: after being in meltdown mode for almost a full week was "okay" and the rest of the crew was fine.

However, for H it will turn out to be one to remember.

Let me start by saying H: is a daredevil if it "looks" climbable she will climb it. The girl has no fear.

On our normal morning walk, she wipes out because she was running with her shoes on the wrong feet and hurt her hand. It did bleed a little.

Today was our homeschool Splash pad/park play date. Mom finally gets to talk to an adult day. Everything was going well other than a few bumps in the road which can happen when you have a lot of different children all with different personalities.

At the end of the get-together, we are getting ready to go, only my lifesaver, myself and our littles. Suddenly hers and mine start yelling from the top of the equipment. Sarah makes it to the top before me. I am at the bottom of the slide. Staring up in disbelief and I figure Sarah has it. Nope H: has her leg stuck in the playset. She says to me "You have to come help".

My only thought as I climb the ladder is "I don't have any butter". I get up there and try to get her leg out it's a no-go she keeps screaming every time I try and get it out. I say to Sarah, no this isn't working, I am calling for a fire truck (This is my first time calling 911). I call I get a recording that says please don't hang up. Then I get a lady who says fire, ambulance or police. I say my child's leg is stuck in the playset I need a fire truck. The lady on the phone says okay I will send you over to the ambulance.....Ummmm that's not what I said. I am in a panic. I say to Sarah they are sending me to the ambulance. She says no we need a fire truck we need a saw.

I tell the ambulance lady I need a fire truck my child's leg is stuck in the play equipment. She asks for the address, I say I am at the town's only park and splash pad. She says well what is the address I said I don't know and she asks well does someone there know? Well, it's just me and Sarah and neither of us knows. Sarah says the same thing I did The only park and splash pad in this town of fewer than 1,000 people.

Sarah using her calm thinking brain sends her oldest to soak a towel and get her leg out while I am trying to figure out the stupid address for this park. Let the lady on the phone know and we end the call.

H: has been screaming and crying the whole time. Once she is free she stops crying and walks just nothing even happened.

I say to Sarah well things to remember to keep in the SUV for homeschool events.......a saw.

Can you say fluke accident?

Maybe for a week or so, H will not be such a daredevil. We can hope but I doubt it.

If you are out there and your child does, you are not alone. Once it was all said and done I realized I should have just used the sunscreen to get her out!!!